2021 Statutory Holidays in Ontario: The Complete List

Everybody loves a good holiday. It means more time for family, friends and relaxation, a little break from the workplace that will leave us feeling refreshed and recharged. And what’s even better than a holiday is a paid holiday. It’s time to look ahead to the long weekends and plan our getaways and fun adventures. Grab your calendar and get ready to mark down the 2021 Statutory Holidays in Ontario.
The Complete List of 2021 Statutory Holidays in Ontario:
- January 1 – Friday: New Years Day
- February 15 – Monday: Family Day (Ontario)
- April 2 – Friday: Good Friday
- May 24 – Monday: Victoria Day
- July 1 – Thursday: Canada Day
- September 6 – Monday: Labour Day
- October 11 – Monday: Thanksgiving
- December 27 – Monday: Christmas Day
- December 28 – Tuesday: Boxing Day
What Is A Statutory Holiday?
Statutory holidays – also known as stats holidays if you’re pressed for time – are public holidays that are mandated through federal, territorial or provincial legislation. On these days, many employees are legally entitled to a day off or increased compensation for working. There are currently six statutory holidays mandated by the Federal Government, meaning they apply across Canada. Each province and territory is responsible for creating their own additional statutory holidays as they see fit. The province of Ontario, home to over 7.2 million workers and looking to hire more, currently has nine statutory holidays.
Did They Change Christmas This Year??
You didn’t read that wrong, the official statutory holiday for Christmas in Ontario is December 27th. This is because the 25th falls on a Saturday, while Boxing Day follows on the Sunday. In order to ensure that people still get the days off from work, they are pushed into the first two working days of the following week. This allows many people to enjoy a long holiday weekend to digest rest after the holidays. The Christmas statutory holiday may be on Monday the 27th, but Christmas Day itself will still be on December 25th, so don’t worry about Santa getting confused.
Rethink The Extra Long Weekend
It’s important to note that, per official legislation, if you are absent from work on the day before or the day after a statutory holiday you will not receive holiday pay on the day itself. This means that if you happen to fall ill and use a sick day on the Thursday before a 2021 statutory holiday in Ontario that falls on a Friday, you will not be eligible to receive holiday pay.
What If You’re Still Working On A Statutory Holiday?
Not every single employee has the day off from work on the 2021 statutory holidays in Ontario. Private companies can still require employees to work on these days, but they must agree to compensate their employees at a premium rate. This is also known as “time and a half”, because employees get paid their regular rate plus an additional 50%. For example, an employee, making $15.00 an hour on a regular day will earn $22.50 ($15.00+$7.50) per hour for working on a statutory holiday. There can also be additional agreements between employers and employees for paid time off on regular work days in exchange for working on statutory holidays.
Now that you know the upcoming 2021 statutory holidays in Ontario, you’re set to enjoy some time with family and friends. Mark your calendars and get ready!