5 Tips to pass a Psychometric Assessment

If the thought of taking a personality assessment makes you feel a bit anxious, there’s no need to worry. As a job seeker, it’s understandable that you feel pressured to show your qualifications and have all the right answers. In this article, Jobillico.com and our partners at Psychometrics Canada will give you the information you need to understand this and pass this assessment. We can already tell you first tip and it is a simple one: just be yourself.
1- Be Honest
Does working on multiple projects make you feel at ease or stressed? Would you call yourself a team player or someone who is more efficient while working on your own? Do you prefer a set routine or a variable schedule every day? By honestly choosing between a number of character traits such as these, it will give both yourself and an employer a better understanding of your working style.
A truthful and thorough psychometric assessment will reveal your strengths, which can be difficult to showcase during the standard recruitment process. Psychometrics Canada firmly believes that these assessments provide employers with far more accurate information than they could obtain from a typical interview.
2- Take the Time
There is no time limit on the psychometric assessment and you are encouraged to think carefully about your answer, electing the one that honestly reflects you. It is important to be aware, however, that the assessment does still track how long you spend on each question. Therefore it is possible that spending a great deal of time on an individual question could be seen as a lack of confidence.
3- Don’t Try to Think Like an Employer
When taking the psychometric assessment, it is important that you select the answers that truthfully reflect your personality, not what you think an employer wants to hear. There is actually considerable evidence that those candidates who try to guess the qualities that an employer is looking for are ultimately less successful in obtaining the job.
4- Don’t Be Afraid to Fail
There are no right or wrong answers with the psychometric assessment! The best course of action is to listen to your intuition and give the first answer that comes to your mind.
5-Stay Focused
In order to have a reliable assessment, it is not possible to change your answers after you have saved them. You do have the option, however, to send the same assessment to several employers or redo the assessment for each company – we always give you the choice!
Properly completing a psychometric assessment will ensure that a recruiter has the best possible understanding of your work style and can determine how well you match the needs of their available position. From your prospective as a candidate, an accurate assessment greatly improves your chances of finding a position where you will be happy.
At Jobillico.com, this new recruitment tool allows us to reaffirm our commitment to both our candidates and recruiters to provide them with the latest tools to find the perfect match. Keep an eye on your inbox and get ready to receive the 5 Factor Personality Assessment!