Is September 19th A Holiday?

There will be a National Day of Mourning on Monday, so is September 19th a holiday? The answer depends on the province or territory.
The Federal Government of Canada has announced a new public holiday marking the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. The National Day of Mourning will occur on Monday, September 19th.
As stated by the government, this day: “is an opportunity for Canadians from coast to coast to coast to commemorate Her Majesty. It will be designated a holiday for the public service of Canada, and other employers across the country are also invited to recognize the National Day of Mourning.“
This decision aligns with the decision of other Commonwealth countries, such as Australia and New Zealand, who have also designated public holidays in memory of the Queen.
What Does This Mean For Workers?
There has been a bit of confusion regarding the National Day of Mourning and the impact on employees and employers across the country on September 19th. In short, it has been proclaimed a Federal statutory holiday but the decision on a provincial level has been left up to the government of each province and territory. It’s important to note that in the jurisdiction where the holiday is being observed, it only applies to employees of the Federal and Provincial Governments.
Is September 19th A Holiday?
Let’s take a look at the status of the National Day of Mourning in each province and territory.
Federal Employees – Yes
The National Day of Mourning is a Federal statutory holiday. This means that anyone employed by the Federal Government will have the day off from work, regardless of the province or territory in which they live and work.
British Columbia – Yes
The BC provincial government has announced that they will recognize the National Day of Mourning as a provincial statutory holiday, giving employees in the public-sector a day off from work. This means that all schools in the province will be closed.
Alberta – No
Alberata has declared an official day of mourning, but will not make it a statutory holiday in the province. It is a regular work day for employees across Alberta, and the provincial government is encouraging people to observe a moment of silence at 10:00 AM on Monday.
Saskatchewan – No
The government of Saskatchewan has announced that September 19th will be a day of commemoration, but not a public holiday. There will be provincial ceremonies open to the public for those who wish to take part.
Manitoba – Yes
All non-essential employees of the Manitoba government will have September 19th from work in commemoration, but it is not an official statutory holiday in the province. The government is encouraging people at private-sector businesses and in school to observe a moment of silence.
Ontario – No
The provincial government has announced a day of mourning, but will not make September 19th a statutory holiday in Ontario. People are encouraged to observe a moment of silence at 1:00 PM EST.
Quebec – No
September 19th will be marked as day of commemoration, according to the Quebec provincial government, but it will not be an official statutory holiday in the province. All government offices, schools and private-sector businesses will remain open.
New Brunswick – Yes
The provincial government has announced that all public-sector agencies and offices will observe the National Day of Mourning. Schools will also be closed in the province. Private-sector businesses through the province will have the option to observe the day.
Nova Scotia – Yes
The provincial government has announced that the observation of the National Day of Mourning will be a public holiday in the province. Government offices and schools will be closed, and government employees will have the day off from work. Private-sector businesses will have the option to observe the holiday.
Prince Edward Island – Yes
September 19th will be a public statutory holiday in the province, as announced by the P.E.I. government. Public-sector offices and schools will be closed, as the day will have the same effect as the other statutory holidays observed in the province.
Newfoundland and Labrador – Yes
September 19th will be a one-time statutory holiday for all public-sector employees in Newfoundland and Labrador. Government offices, public schools and other public-sector entities will be closed.
Yukon – Yes
The National Day of Mourning on September 19th will be a one-time statutory holiday in the Yukon. All public sector employees will be off from work on this day, and schools will be closed. Private-sector businesses are encouraged to observe and commemorate the day.
Northwest Territories – No
September 19th will not be a public holiday in the Northwest Territories. All public offices, entities and schools will remain open. The Premier is encouraging people to find their own way to commemorate the day.
Nunavut – Yes
The Nation Day of Mourning will be a public statutory holiday in Nunavut. Government agencies, offices and schools will be closed. The government is encouraging private sector businesses to follow suit, but it will be left up to them to decide.