Remote Training and On-Boarding: 6 Steps for New Employees

The training period is important for any new employee, as this is the time to learn new skills and adapt to a new work environment. With a significant number of companies transitioning to some form of permanent remote work, the hiring and training process has had to be adapted. Remote training and on-boarding is a likely experience for new employees joining a company. Although the principal remains the same – supervisors teach new hires what is needed to succeed in the job role – there will obviously be different requirements and demands when this process is done remotely.
There are a few steps that new employees can take during the remote training and on-boarding process that can help them succeed:
- Ask for materials/documents beforehand
- Create a good study environment
- Write a cheatsheet
- Have questions prepared
- Don’t be afraid to ask for me time
- Accept you’ll make mistakes
Ask For Materials/Documents Beforehand
Every company has its own internal processes, programs and workflows for new employees to learn. A well-organized office will have these processes documented, and new employees should be able to have access to these materials before remote training and on-boarding officially begins. Even before the transition to remote work, HR managers would use PDFs, powerpoints, gamified programs and video tutorials to make learning new procedures as effective as possible. These documents can be expanded and improved to meet the needs of remote learning, and sent ahead of time. This way a new employee will already have a basic understanding of a company’s working practices before being taught the details. Showing that new employees are self-motivated to do the work and learn is also a great way to build a work relationship based on trust.
Create A Good Study Environment
Remote training and on-boarding is very similar to studying for school. As anyone who spent hours cramming before the big final exam while their roommates seemingly trying to break the record for the loudest party ever in the dorm can confirm, having the right study environment can make a huge difference. Remote training and on-boarding provides new employees with the benefit of being able to do their work anywhere, and they should choose a location that will help them maximize their focus. Different environments work for different people, some can choose to do their training sitting at a desk or table in silence, while others may prefer to sit back in a company chair with the radio softly playing in the background. Each new employee should spend the time to create whatever type of environment will be the most helpful to their own learning process, one where they are comfortable and able to focus.
Write A Cheatsheet
Starting a new job requires learning an incredible amount of new information in a short period of time, too much for any person to remember it all. Taking notes is one of the most effective ways to retain new information, as studies show that it improves cognitive function and memory. During the remote training and on-boarding process, note taking can highlight key points and include important information added by the instructor or trainer. Every job has its own terms, jargon and shortcuts, so after the remote training session has been complete, it’s a good idea to create a glossary, or a cheat sheet, that can be referred to later. These notes will make it easier to remember specific instructions and troubleshoot any issues in the event that it takes a bit of time for a supervisor to respond.
Have Questions Prepared
Asking questions is an incredibly important part of the learning process, and doing so is seen as a sign of an engaged employee. Having questions prepared beforehand can greatly help with the remote training and on-boarding process, and avoiding important information being misunderstood. After reviewing any prepared documents or guides sent beforehand, identify anything that seems confusing or not fully explained. Virtual training sessions with supervisors can take up a great deal of both participants and, like video calls, can be tiring. Having a list of questions ready to ask can keep the process on track and bring key issues to light.
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for More Time
It takes time to learn a new job and put this knowledge into practice. New employees normally feel a great deal of pressure to adapt to a new environment and become productive members of the work team as soon as possible, and this has intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic with near-daily reports covering job loss and negative economic side effects. However, new employees and their supervisors must be completely sure they understand their role and tasks before proceeding, or else it will take more time in the future to relearn these procedures. When remote training and on-boarding, new employees must be unafraid to ask for more time to review the work procedures and practice their role. If there is anything that is unclear, the extra time must be spent reviewing it and making sure this part of the job is being explained clearly and correctly.
Accept You’ll Make Mistakes
With the rise of unemployment and the decrease in new hiring as a result of the pandemic, job seekers face pressure to do their jobs perfectly from day one after remote training and on-boarding has ended. Unfortunately, this is just not possible or realistic. Mistakes are a natural part of the learning process, and learning to correct them will only make for stronger and more effective employees. Company leaders and HR managers need to make it clear to job seekers and new hires that immediate perfection is not the goal. If mistakes are made, the best thing for new hires to do is reach out to new colleagues and supervisors for help solving. This will help them to get the right solution while also strengthening the workplace community. Working remotely means that there could be a bit of a delay in finding the solution, people can’t just walk across the office to bring up a problem, but this is an issue that many businesses are facing.
For new employees, doing everything possible to make the training process run smoothly will only help them achieve their professional goals in their new job role. While current circumstances have forced companies and business leaders to adapt, the principles behind the remote training and on-boarding process remain the same. New employees need to be prepared to collaborate, to learn and to ask for the tools they need to be successful. By taking a few important steps during this process, a new employee will be able to step into their role and become a contributing member of the work team, even when working remotely.