The 2023 Construction Holidays: Everything You Need To Know

The 2023 construction holidays in Québec are about to begin, here is everything you need to know about this annual tradition.
There is an old joke that Canada has two seasons: winter and construction.
The truth is that construction is such an important season that entire industries have structured themselves around it. The middle of summer brings the 2023 construction holidays in the province of Québec, starting on July 23rd and ending August 5th. While these are not official statutory holidays in the province, the construction holidays play an important role in the summer vacation of many Québec workers, not only those who work in the construction industry.
Here’s everything you need to know about the 2023 construction holidays in Québec.
What Are the Construction Holidays?
The construction holidays typically refer to a two-week period at the end of July/beginning of August in Québec. At this time, a majority of the construction industry in the province shuts down and its employees get a vacation. It has become an unofficial holiday for people outside of the construction industry, and it is estimated that over 150,000 people will take vacation from work during the summer 2023 construction holidays.
There is also a second two-week construction holiday in the winter, starting in December and ending in January.
The practice dates from 1970, when the Québec provincial government entered into agreements with labour leaders in the provincial construction industry. Part of these agreements called for two two-week paid holidays to take place at the end of July and December. During these two weeks in the summer, more than $550 million in vacation pay is issued as workers enjoy a break. Over the past half-century, this has evolved into an annual tradition for many people are employed in industries outside of construction as well.
When Are The 2023 Construction Holidays?
The summer 2023 construction holidays will take place from July 23rd to August 5th. During this time, the majority of construction sites throughout the province will be shut down and an estimated 80% of the industry workforce will be on vacation. Many Québec workers in other industries will choose to take their summer vacation in a similar time span.
Are There Winter 2023 Construction Holidays?
Yes. There is an additional period of construction holidays which take place during the winter months. The winter 2023 construction holidays will occur from December 24th, 2023 to January 6th, 2024.
Is It A Paid Holiday?
It is only officially a paid holiday for those who are employed in the construction industry, per agreement between the labour unions and the province of Québec. Here’s how it works for construction workers:
The Commission de la Construction du Québec (CCQ) receives mandatory annual vacation pay from employers each month throughout the year. In total, these amounts represent 13% of the wages earned each week by construction workers.
This 13% is distributed as follows:
- Annual leave: 6%
- Non-working public holidays: 5.5%
- Sick leave: 1.5%
The CCQ pays employees these indemnities twice a year, during the construction holidays.
When Are Employees Paid?
There are two possibilities for when employees can receive their payment for the construction holidays:
- The last eight days of June for payment credited between July and December of the previous year.
- The last eight days of November for Payment credited between January and June of the same year.
What About People Not Working In The Construction Industry?
For the thousands of people in other industries who take their holidays during this period, it is up to them to arrange paid or unpaid holidays per their contract with their employer. Paid time off is a legal requirement for full-time employees in Canada, similar to minimum wage. Many employers offer beyond the minimum required amount of PTO as a benefit in order to attract qualified job applicants.
While it is often referred to as a benefit, time off from work is more than a fun perk that employees now expect. It is important for the physical, mental and emotional well-being of employees. Overwork has serious consequences, including burnout and exhaustion. Employees should always use their time off to the fullest extent, and employers should encourage them to do so to have a relaxed and refreshed workforce ready to perform at their best.
Now that you have everything you need to know about the 2023 construction holidays in Québec, you can start planning your next fun vacation away from the workplace.