Person who designs, implements, updates, analyses and assesses activities in one or more social programs.
SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS* Conducts activities that include the conception, updating, analysis and evaluation of one or more Nishiiyuu Miyupimaatisiiun programs and plans to address the needs of various categories of users.* Refers clients to appropriate traditional healers and Elders;* Supports the development of Nishiiyuu protocols and guidelines and make sure that these are followed and respected;* In collaboration with the multidisciplinary team, participates to the development, achievement and assessment of the intervention or rehabilitation programs and plans;* Creates and uses the material necessary to the application of the intervention or rehabilitation plans.* Ensures the involvement and awareness of the family members and the surrounding community in the application of the intervention or rehabilitation plans;* Refers the user to the various resources and pathways available to meet some of his/her needs;* Initiates, supports and carries out development or research projects necessary to meet the users' needs;* Provides statistics, indicators, and units of measures, and produces various types of reports;* Ensures implementation of the policies, standards, and quality assurance programs of the professional practice and clinical activities;* Develops and implements methods to evaluate users' progress and to make any recommendations for modification;* Carries out his/her role within the policy principles and guidelines of: Nishiiyuu Miyupimaatisiiun paradigms and practices, and collaborative interdisciplinary teamwork and communications, for services and programs implementation within a seamless integrated circle (continuum) of care, centred on the participants;* Provides support, training or guidance within the framework of his/her functions to other staff members, health care providers, or to those supporting the users' quality of life.
- Depending on the given sphere of activities, must have the required university degree in social sciences, such as criminology, social work, sexology or psychology;
- A human relations officer who has the required university degree in social work and is a member of the Ordre professionnel des travailleurs sociaux du Québec may use the title of professional social worker.
- Two (2) years of pertinent experience.
Please note that applicants who do not meet the above-mentioned requirements may be considered for this position if they possess the following alternative profile:
College Diploma in a related field of studies cumulated with five (5) years of appropriate work experience.
Knowledge and Abilities:
- Knowledge of Nishiiyuu Miyupimaatisiiun (Cree Helping Methods);
- Knowledge of current First Nations traditional holistic health and healing models, trends and issues, across the country and internationally;
- Ability in the identification and analysis of the Nishiiyuu Miyupimaatissiun program needs of community residents, and knowledge of related issues;
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills;
- Autonomous, discrete and empathetic;
- Team work capabilities.
LANGUAGE* Fluent in Cree and English;* Fluency in French is an asset.