- St. Albert Public Schools St. Albert, AB
- St. Andrew's College Aurora, ON
- St. Clair Catholic District School Board Wallaceburg, ON
- St. Clement's School Toronto, ON
- St. George's School Vancouver, BC
- St. John's Academy Shawnigan Lake Shawnigan Lake, BC
- St. John's School Vancouver, BC
- St. Lawrence School Vancouver, BC
- St. Michael's College School York, ON
- St. Mildred's-Lightbourn School Oakville, ON
- St. Paul Education St. Paul, AB
- St. Thomas Aquinas RCS Division Leduc, AB
- St. Thomas More Collegiate Burnaby, BC
- STEM Innovation Academy Calgary, AB
- Stratford Hall Vancouver, BC
- Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School Okotoks, AB
- Sturgeon Public Schools Morinville, AB
- Sudbury Catholic District School Board Sudbury, ON
- Summerland Montessori School Summerland, BC
- Sunchild First Nation School Rocky Mountain House, AB
- Superior-Greenstone District School Board Red Rock, ON
- Suzuki Charter School Society Edmonton, AB
- Tempo School Edmonton, AB
- The Bridge Educational Society Lumby, BC
- The Country Day School King City, ON