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Commission scolaire Central Québec / Central Québec School Board

Orthophoniste #10713

1014 NASKAPI ROAD C.P.5152, Kawawachikamach,QC
  • À discuter
  • 0 à 35 h

  • Emploi Permanent

  • 1 poste à combler dès que possible



Job status : Regular Full Time (100%)

Immediate supervisor : School Principal

Note : Northern Allowance - Subsidized housing - Travel & Cargo allowance

Nature of the work

The occupation of speech therapist, audiologist or speech and hearing correction officer includes, in particular, the detection, identification and evaluation of speech and hearing problems in order to recommend the appropriate learning situation and to carry out or collaborate in the realization of the therapy which is suitable to the reeducation or the readaptation of the pupils concerned.

Qualifications required

Be a member of the Professional Corporation of Speech Therapists and Audiologists of Quebec


possess a bachelor's degree with an appropriate specialty such as:

1.speech therapy;

2. audiology.

Some characteristic duties

The speech therapist, audiologist or speech and hearing correction officer detects and evaluates troubles in speech, language and hearing of pupils by means of individual or group meetings. He selects students likely to benefit from special classes and special care. If necessary, in collaboration with other health specialists, he determines and applies an appropriate reeducation therapy; if necessary, he refers certain cases to specialized clinics.

In the execution of his tasks he is called upon to participate in case

studies with multidisciplinary teams insofar as pedagogical implications are concerned.

His functions also require him to establish close contacts with parents, teachers and other individuals involved.

He advises the board, as need be, in the matter of arranging special classes as well as in matters concerning the equipment in his sector.

Environnement de travail

Environnement de travailCommission scolaire Central Québec / Central Québec School Board0
Environnement de travailCommission scolaire Central Québec / Central Québec School Board1
Environnement de travailCommission scolaire Central Québec / Central Québec School Board2
Environnement de travailCommission scolaire Central Québec / Central Québec School Board3


Niveau d'études

non déterminé


non déterminé

Années d'expérience

non déterminé

Langues écrites

non déterminé

Langues parlées

non déterminé

No. référence interne
