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Red Deer Catholic Regional Division No. 39

Summer School Principal

Red Deer,AB
  • À discuter
  • Temps partiel

  • 1 poste à combler dès que possible

Red Deer Catholic Online Summer School is seeking a principal for the 2025 summer school program. The successful candidate will be required to attend the school in person from June 30th through July 4 th and on July 25th. This is a 0.5 position. The principal will oversee the summer school program during this period and is responsible for submitting and verifying marks to Alberta Education, addressing student/parent concerns and communications, and overseeing daily school activities. The Summer School program will run from June 30 to August 1st. Interested candidates are invited to apply via Apply to Education by February 14, 2025.


Niveau d'études

non déterminé


non déterminé

Années d'expérience

non déterminé

Langues écrites

non déterminé

Langues parlées

non déterminé

No. référence interne