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Regent Christian Academy

Educational Assistant

  • À discuter
  • Temps partiel

  • 1 poste à combler dès que possible

As all RCA staff are required to be active followers of Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour, interested individuals should apply sending (1) a resume , (2) a statement of faith, and (3) a brief philosophy of Christian education to the Principal, Mrs. Cari Gonzalez, at cgonzalez@regent.bc.ca. It is also assumed that interested candidates are (a) teacher- or educational assistant-trained and certified and (b) regular attendees at a Bible-believing church, and, therefore, a copy of (a) your post-secondary certification and (b) a pastoral reference will be requested of you as well should the consideration process move to an interview.


Niveau d'études

non déterminé


non déterminé

Années d'expérience

non déterminé

Langues écrites

non déterminé

Langues parlées

non déterminé

No. référence interne