Average Salary for Ventilation Duct Cleaning Technician in Canada
The average salary of Ventilation Duct Cleaning Technician in Canada is $41,682. It varies according to the number of years of experience and according to the companies.
Average Salary for Ventilation Duct Cleaning Technician in Canada
Ventilation Duct Cleaning Technician
Per Year $41,682$29,120
Average salaries by Province
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Northwest Territories
Prince Edward Island
Most wanted Companies
What is the average salary in Canada?
The average salary of Ventilation Duct Cleaning Technician in Canada is $41,682. It varies according to the number of years of experience and according to the companies.
$20.04 / hour
$41,682 / year
(based on a 40-hour workweek)
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