About Kahnawà:ke Education Center:The mission of the Kahnawà:ke Education Center is to provide the children who live in Kahnawà:ke with a solid and well-rounded education laying the foundation for their future careers. The mission of KEC is carried out by the Kahnawà:ke Combined Schools Committee (KCSC) as well as the administrative arm of KEC. The KEC is responsible for the operation and support of three schools in the Kahnawà:ke community and post-secondary administration.
Position Summary: The role of the Resource Teacher is to provide preventative and remedial program and services to students and supports the teachers and teacher’s assistants. The Resource Teacher assess individual student achievement in order to determine the most appropriate teaching strategies and to develop individualized education plans (IEP) for special needs students.
Key Responsibilities:
- To create academic, behavioral and developmental IEPs.
- To provide high-quality remedial services to students, either individually or in a group on regular basis as per their IEP’s.
- To re-teach and reinforce concepts as appropriate, ideally within the classroom to ensure students are not falling behind further.
- To work in collaboration with other student services professionals to deliver best program/support for the students.
- To put measures in place that monitor students achievement and wellbeing in order to prevent students needing special services support.
- To research best practices, up to date methodologies, keep up with best practices and to provide all this information to teachers and TA’s (academic as well as behavioral).
- Based on the assessments, to advise teachers of principal areas of focus for each new group/class
- To provide teachers with relevant materials, resources and strategies to best support special need students.
- To assist in curriculum adaptations and modifications (for both - gifted and at-risk students)
- To assess all new students (formally and informally).
- To take an active part in transition meetings at the end of the school year to ensure a smooth transition of student files
- To administer standardized achievement tests, analyze results and determine key elements of the IEPs.
- Master’s degree in Education or equivalent (preferable) or Bachelor’s degree in Education or equivalent with specialization in special education
- Minimum of 5 years of special education experience
- Knowledge of administering and interpreting achievement tests
- Knowledge of best practices in inclusive education
- Complete proficiency in English language
- Proficiency in Kanien’kéha language and French language is an asset