Assurance collective complète comprenant une assurance vie, invalidité, médicaments, oculaire, dentaires et soins médicaux payée en partie par l'employeur.
Nous offrons de la formation continue et une large gamme de possibilités au sein de l'entreprise.
Régime de retraite à contribution volontaire bonifié par l'employeur.
Based on the companie's fiscal results.
Learn more about Bradken
Bradken(Norcast) is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of differentiated consumable and capital products to the resources, freight rail and power generation industries employing over 4,200 people in Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Canada, China, the United Kingdom as well as other key international locations.
Bradken promotes a culture of continuous improvement and personal development supporting its 35 manufacturing facilities and its extensive network of sales and service centres. Our focus on training and development, health and safety, work-life balance, as well as protection of the environment, makes Bradken a great global company and a great place to work. Bradken also offers a great many benefits to all our employees.