Learn more about UFP Canada Inc.
We have more than 211 affiliated companies in North America and Australia and we buy raw materials and products around the world.
At UFP Canada, we work hard to satisfy our customers. We’re powered by hard-working people who believe in a strong work ethic and the integrity with which we go about our business. Our first strength, our people. The senior management team is experienced and aggressive, with an average of over 24 years of service. Our workforce is highly skilled and not afraid of hard work. We value teamwork and values of success, honesty, audacity and determination. We offer great opportunities to those who succeed, and the quality of our employees stands out in our industry.
We are always looking for passionate workers who care about the success of the company and who are willing to invest themselves with determination. Our line of work isn’t for the faint of heart, but you’ll get back what you put in and have fun doing it.
Not only do we want to see you build your career, we want to see you build relationships. We value our customers and coworkers — they become like family. There’s nothing we wouldn’t do for them and we work diligently to keep those relationships strong.
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Work environment
- INTEGRITY: We’re powered by hard-working people who value integrity in everything they do, who look for opportunity around every corner, and who enjoy a work hard/play hard culture.
- SELF-DEVELOPMENT: We want our employees to succeed and develop their skills. We provide internal and external trainings, language courses and numerous career advancement opportunities.
- SAFETY: Our most valued asset are our people that is why their safety is our priority. UFP Canada offers a safe work environment through various trainings and prevention programs.