Conceptromec est fier d'offrir un Régime de participation différée aux bénéfices aux employés actuels et futurs.
Le personnel est admissible au régime d’assurances collectives après trois mois de service continu. Celles-ci offrent des protections pour l'employé et sa famille en assurance santé pour les frais médicaux et para-médicaux, assurance-vie, assurance décès et mutilation accidentelle, assurances invalidité longue durée et assurance dentaire.
L'entreprise offre la possibilité aux employés de cotiser à un REER offert avec Desjardins.
L’horaire d’été est en vigueur du mois de mai jusqu’à la fête du travail. Du lundi au jeudi de 7h00 à 16h15 (30 min pour repas) et le vendredi de 7h00 à 12h00.
Learn more about Conceptromec
When we launched Conceptromec in 1988, our goal was clear: design and manufacture state-of-the-art automated machinery and ensure total client satisfaction. Twenty years later, our goal remains the same!
Our development and management strategies are all directed toward this goal, and our company is now recognized as one of the world leader in the field of designing and manufacturing automated machinery for production of automobile weather strip.
More precisely, in order to guarantee optimal performance and innovative techniques, we make sure our personnel are talented and specialised in their respective field, to which we offer many skills development programs.
Also, our modern production equipment and manufacturing management methods allow us to offer competitive proposals and good delivery times.
The success of the Company cannot be reached without the knowledge of our personnel and, as an employer, we commit ourselves to contribute to the development of this knowledge.